Kabul, Afghanistan (2004)

This was the Karzai Protective Detail (KPD) when I served there. I’m on the far right. One of the only ones wearing a sports jacket.

We’re standing near the walls of the Presidential Palace complex.

Today I understand the Taliban are now in control of it.

Kabul, Afghanistan (2004)

This is the old U.S. Embassy in Kabul. I had to go there the day before I departed to fill out some forms and conduct an exit interview.

My opinion has long been we should have left Afghanistan ten years ago – once we killed Osama Bin Laden.

The dreams G.W. Bush had of turning it into some type of Western democracy were NEVER going to happen.

I feel sorry for all of the Afghans who worked with us to try and achieve that unrealistic dream, but we invested enough blood and treasure there to show it would not work.

We should be very circumspect about any future attempts at nation building, keeping Iraq and Afghanistan in mind at all times.

What bothers me most is the horrible waste our cut and run policy has led to. We’ve had ten years to prepare for this moment. And you mean to tell me the best we could do would be to leave the front gate open and leave in the middle of the night like the Baltimore Colts?

This should be a national scandal. President Biden should be held accountable for what’s about to happen. But thus far all that I hear from the MSM is one big collective yawn.


Toro Nagashi

From FB:

“Although not originally associated, the Buddhist ceremony of Toro Nagashi has become linked to the deployment of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. The spirits of departed loved ones are said to return to Earth during the mid-August Japanese festival of Obon. At the end of the festival, lanterns are lit with candles in memory of the dead. This moving and sombre ceremony symbolizes a way to send them back into the spirit world.”

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