Tunis, Tunisia (2005)

We were on a TDY to North Africa and we stumbled upon this amazing American cemetery. The majority of those buried there died during the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942 – a largely forgotten, but highly important part of the European World War II story that led to the invasion of Sicily, which led to the invasion of Italy, which led to the invasion of France.

My colleague and I were honored to be allowed to raise the American flag there that morning. Truly a memorable experience.

Richmond, Virginia (1989)

This was at my Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I’m smirking because I had a mouthful of braces and didn’t like smiling. Still don’t.

The guy on the far left was the son of the Scout Leader.

The guy in the middle was on the wrestling team with me and later went on to become a helicopter pilot in the Army Reserves. He was the one who talked me into rejoining Scouting after I quit when we moved from Pennsylvania.

Both later became Eagle Scouts as well.

La Habana, Cuba (2009)

From FB:

“Flash flood on Avenida Calzada. I had to run out of the office and go rescue my car before it got flooded. In the process, I stepped in a hole and went down. The Marines captured it all on the DVR and laughed mightily.”

The Golden Isles, Georgia (2020)

From FB:

“Scraggly blonde meth head in front of me driving erratically. I lightly tap the horn when she is too busy looking down at her phone to see the light change. She speeds up, then hangs her head out the window, turns around while still driving, and starts to yell obscenities while flicking me the bird. All while carrying a red Pizza Hut sign on the roof of her car. Of course I spoke with her manager…”

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