Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia (2018)

From FB:

“Took the day off to get my history on. I admit part of the reason I’ve been dying to come to Fort Pulaski was because of a Sufjan Stevens song, but it more than met my expectations on this hot June day.

Constructed of millions of bricks under slave labor, it protected Savannah. However, its beautiful and sturdy construction led to its demise as the advancement of military technology rendered it obsolete through the new rifled cannon which sent spinning Union projectiles through its stout walls after a 30 hour siege in 1862.

The fort was the site of a surprising number of firsts, including the first U.S. Army assignment of Robert E. Lee (who helped design the ingenious moat and drainage system), the first place slaves were freed (preceding the Emancipation Proclamation later that year), and the first organization of U.S. Colored Troops.”

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