José Rizal

“I don’t see why I should bow my head when I could hold it high, or place it in the hands of my enemies when I can defeat them.”

Old Blue Light

From FB:

“Jackson reached General Scott and said, ‘Brevet Major Thomas J. Jackson, sir. Magruder’s battery.’

A silent moment passed. Scott suddenly dropped his hand, left Jackson’s hand in the air, said, ‘I don’t know if I will shake hands with Mr. Jackson.’

There was a quiet hush, and Lee leaned forward slightly, saw Jackson’s face, a look of embarrassed horror. Scott held the silence, waited, the dramatic pause, then said, ‘If you can forgive yourself for the way you slaughtered those poor Mexicans with your guns, I’m not sure that I can.’

Jackson glanced to the side, and Lee saw a look of quiet panic, but then Scott reached out, took Jackson’s hand, gave it a firm shake. There was laughter now, and the men close began to applaud. Lee watched Jackson’s face, saw his relief, the horror fading, the stare returning, Jackson’s eyes holding the calm blue light again.

The line moved again and Lee was smiling now, could feel Scott’s good humor infecting then all. He heard more laughter, the familiar sounds of the artillerymen, more teasing of Jackson. Lee couldn’t see them, his vision blocked by the line of men in front of him, but thought, ‘There is still something in the man’s eyes, something unsettling, something that says he NEEDS a war….’”

– “Gone For Soldiers”

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